Fujifilm Camera Kit

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Most aspirant or established bodybuilders take a lot of pictures of themselves during their quest for the perfect body. This is not a sure sign of narcissism though as these photos will be an excellent graphic record of progress during various sTAGes of the process. It makes a lot of sense then to invest in the best photographic equipMent one can afford at an early sTAGe and also to spend a bit of time perfecting the techniques needed to take good bodybuilding pictures only.

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

These points are often neglected, a fact amply demonstrated by the masses of really bad self taken bodybuilding pictures one sees. Bodybuilding is a sport that's success is judged visually, both on sTAGe and in pictorial form. If, for example, the venue lighting is bad on the day of a contest,contestants are going to have a hard time getting the maximum visual impact across in their routines. They may be seen clearly, but if the lighting is too harsh and not muted or placed correctly, muscle definition may be far less apparent and poses not as effective.

The same principles apply to shooting your own bodybuilding pictures. You are going to be spending a huge amount of time, effort and money on your sport so it is senseless to neglect the component of your photographic equipMent. Fortunately it's not necessary to spend thousands on a studio grade setup. Digital cameras are getting better and cheaper each year and it's possible to get an intermediate level digital with good optics and high megapixel sensor for a very reasonable price. The only other critical item in abasic setup is a photographic tripod. Again, really good examples can be had at prices that won't decimate your bank balance.

Let's start by looking at camera choices. This, being the core of your photographic equipMent, should be the absolute best example you can afford. In today's environment it doesn't make much sense investing in a film camera (if you can still find one that is). Digitals simply offer so many advanTAGes that they represent the only serious option when considering room choices. Always try and stay with the big names as optic and component quality is usually better as is the after-sales service. Brand names such as Nikon, Canon Cameras.One feature that would be a definite plus in a room is a remote. This will allow for a lot of flexibility when shooting only bodybuilding pictures.

Photography is making magic with light. Lighting is possibly the most important factor in any photographic genre, and particularly so in taking bodybuilding pictures where muscle definition is so critical in creating visual impact. Again it's not necessary to break the bank. Any fAirly intense, directable light source will get the Job done. For best results try and get two separate light sources set up at approximately 45° to your set position and situated behind the point were you are going to set up your room. Try to avoid using flash unless you have a flash diffuser as flash tends to wash out too much subtle detail.Remember that a high light position will emphasise shadow at the bottom of the muscle structure while a lower position will do the same for the lower abs but also can detract from your chest.

Your bedroom should always be placed on a tripod to avoid any blurring that will play havoc with definition in your shots. If you have a portable, full length mirror it helps to place it almost directly behind the camera so that you adjust you poses for maximum effect. Just remember to look directly at the camera again before taking the shot. Keep unnecessary clutter out of the background that can detract from you as the focal point. This is especially true of items that could possibly cause a bout of blushing at a later stage!

Personal preparation for taking bodybuildingpictures should include the following points:

Body hAir should be removed as it detracts from muscle definition in bodybuilding pictures. Try to avoid eating for approximately an hour before you take the pictures. A recent meal will distend your stomach and ruin your profile. Pump before you shoot, and no, that's not XXX grade movie advice either. A short workout prior to taking the pictures will increase blood flow and muscle volume. Skin tone and highlights are essential in showcasing muscle development in bodybuilding pictures. Concentrate on maintaining a good tan and oil up to increase highlights. This will really define your muscle mass. Practice good poses. Suck in that gut and keep you back straight or slightly arched back. When applying tension try tomake it look effortless and smile! No war faces here. Once the pictures are taken you can use software to edit the results if you can and are so inclined. Skin blemishes can miraculously disappear and lighting and exposure adjusted to maximise the effect. Superimposing Mel Gibson's face is not on though!

It is impossible to briefly cover all the different techniques and settings that can be applied to get great results in bodybuilding pictures. Experience will quickly teach you how to maximise the results though and if you use the preceding tips you'll soon be able to build a flattering "portfolio.

Fantastic Physique Photos-Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Friday, March 2, 2012

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

If you own a Fuji digital camera, you must have bought it due to the fact that the product with such an established name is trustworthy. But even the most advanced cameras encounter problems now and then. However, do you know what to do about your Fuji digital camera problems? There are a few ways to determine and eliminate common Fuji digital camera problems, and the following information can be very helpful for that.

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting

When we talk of Fuji digital camera problems, we are talking about common problems that can hinder your ability to use your Fuji digital camera properly. Let's exclude such problems as breakage or water damage. These things are not the fault of the Fuji Company, and such damage might be hard to repAir unless your warranty covers such things. Common Fujidigital camera problems include such things as a dark screen, an out of focus picture, or any other Fuji digital camera problems that can be helped by customer service or with merely a little information on your particular model.

Of course, the first thing you should do in case of any Fuji digital camera problems is to call the customer service line that you can find in the docuMentation accompanying your camera. The customer service representative should be able to determine if your problems can be fixed over the phone and then will walk you through the steps to fixing them. However, if your Fuji digital camera problems can't be fixed over the phone, usually the customer service rep will provide you with steps for either sending your camera in to get it fixed, or for taking it to adealer to have it fixed. Either way, a customer service rep is a great way to find the solutions to your particular Fuji digital camera problems.

Another alternative is to carry out an internet search highlighting the problems you are having. Nowadays, it is really possible to get access to troubleshooting technology via online. Merely type the model number of the camera you own and what problems you are having. Most likely, someone else has had that same problem and so you should be able to find step by step instructions on how to remedy the problem with your camera. Just make sure that any steps you take are not against the warranty deal you have with the manufacturer (such as opening the camera up). Apart from that, the Internet can be of a great help in fixing your Fuji digitalroom problems.

With different choices available you should be able to fix any Fuji digital camera problems and soon be back to taking wonderful pictures with your Fuji digital camera.

Common Fuji Digital Camera Problems and Troubleshooting